

上兩個星期完成了很多事情,進展良好, 於是再繼續快快地定造我的wedding shoes!

和很多朋友一樣 我的友人在會展幫我買了DYOS coupon, 準備在那裏定造我的wedding shoes,,但第一次visit 完成之後覺得他們的價錢偏貴, 我同意他們的款式較漂亮,其實我也想在那裏造鞋,但類似的款式在另一舖價錢可以便宜很多, 當然,好像沒有DYOS的精緻, (可能因為沒有加石又或是心理作用?) 所以,第一次我便用了張$300coupon, 造了對返工鞋!

後我便走訪了JJpartner/ming house / Sauvigon。。。etc

最後我決定回MingHouse造我的wedding shoes!!

由於Bendy說我裙的長度應當穿4.5’, 店舖老闆也說每一新娘大多穿高高高跟鞋, 所以,最終我也選擇了米白色4.5”前面加platform單邊蝴蝶款作為我的wedding shoes!! 我並沒有在底加閃石, 因自覺會看不到,只是影相時會比較靚 (算吧啦.. 節省點...)

我參考了網上的款式圖樣,還在那裏造了一對紅色EG shoes襯我的褂和敬酒晚裝, 其實我也不知道這款式是否又是什麼名牌我真的沒有研究, 但是我很喜愛這款式,所以便造吧

最後一對銀色EG shoes, 應該有機會再著,所以會去DYOS造!


8 則留言:

  1. Happy Queen24.8.10

    I went to JJ Partners before...there is removal sale at that time...
    [Gen Mami回覆08/24/2010 23:07:00]o...i think my 2 pairs of shoes are already in the sale!
    you buy any ?

  2. 我想問ming house 喺邊架, 我打算造婚紗鞋.
    [Gen Mami回覆08/25/2010 13:41:00]ming house 在百利一樓梯級口

  3. bubibu*25.8.10

    呢對鞋個「木條」好得意呀~! 你係dyos整鞋係咪都係34呀?
    [Gen Mami回覆08/25/2010 18:47:00]呢對鞋特別啲!係啊,我都正係34號鞋呀。。但有小小緊。不過如果呢個款唔緊,可能好易"lak" 跟!

  4. maggie25.8.10

    DYOS, 呢間野垃圾!
    冇service 冇quality!

  5. SkyBlue25.8.10

    dyos 個對舒唔舒服呀 ?  你自己比款佢地嗎 ?
    [Gen Mami回覆08/25/2010 18:38:00]都ok 舒服!

  6. SkyBlue25.8.10

    dyos 個對舒唔舒服呀 ?  你自己比款佢地嗎 ?

  7. Thanks ar~~~ I have tried to buy shoes at DYOS before ~ the style is good, but when using it to walk is not so easy, as I bought a 4 itch shoes with platform~ I should also go to MingHouse to take a look~ If it is cheaper and good style, then should consider~
    [Gen Mami回覆08/27/2010 10:57:00]你都講得好o岩, 最重要是舒服!
    compare ming house with DYOS , everybody concern is different  ~
    hope you find the correct one~

  8. annieannie31.8.10

    oh... nice color~~~ it should be very comfortable with the open toes and the heels in this height... i would love to have this than the bling bling type... maybe it's my own preference la~~~!
    [Gen Mami回覆08/31/2010 13:04:00]thanks for your comments! i love this color combination as i don't like too sharp color!
    using this type to match ur WG/EG ?? maybe too causcal...you can pick some simple style without bling bling....
