
Signature Banner with TC design

我們共影了輯 pre-wedding, CDL and Zara Bride, 兩個都有簽名布給我們

可能CDL是免費的, 但對CDL沒有太大的要求
應該不會用, 但亦帶定到場,


Zara Bride亦已揀好相做, 收到他們的layout:


揀這兩張相是希望可以兩個互望的感覺, 但友人TC 就覺得要一雙一對, 這個我倒也沒所謂, 互相凝望也很浪漫! 但為何又要加花瓣呢??

於是便又由TC出馬, 做了以下款給我, 今次他做了兩個中式的

 很漂亮,細心看托底的是牡丹花來的, 顏色可以再更換改的


但由於我們不是用中式的decoration, 若只用此簽名布, 便會顯得格格不入了!


我們已問過Zara Bride可以用我們所的design, 於是我們便是沿用我們的Save the Date, 加以改動便是!

Simple and Elegant!

現在,等待著Zara Bride 的signature banner!

5 則留言:

  1. 我鐘意最尾呢個﹐真係可以講simple & elegant
    [Gen Mami回覆08/20/2010 13:43:00]我都唔鍾意有相片,但如果zara bride 送就算!
    好彩佢地比我用我嘅design !十個讚!!

  2. hmmm i think the layout looks "seperated".. not even eye contact, need to change change wor 
    [Gen Mami回覆08/21/2010 00:08:00]i hv already give up the photo one and change to the "light purple" one la~

  3. annieannie24.8.10

    oh .. the chinese one is really fun !! however agree that if u are having western wedding banquet the would seems a bit not match
    the one from zara bride is nice too, likethe way they put your logo at the centre centre and it really got the elegant feel :)
    [Gen Mami回覆08/24/2010 13:46:00]ha...yes, the chinese one is really good but not match to the theme!
    so, i will make it to a Lai Si pocket !
    the logo at the centre one is designed by my Friend! but just pass it to zara print for the printing!

  4. annieannie24.8.10

    it's good
    so you can have this signing cloth matched your save-the-day card
    [Gen Mami回覆08/24/2010 15:31:00]yes. the most important is : zara bride allow me to use my own design, so i can use my own idea but no need to pay extra cost! haha

  5. SkyBlue31.8.10

    簽名布呢家野, 我覺得如果你多塊 以備不時之需的話, 咁你預左會用啦... 因為簽名真係可大可小, 多塊野d 人都會簽滿佢.... 除非你d reception 人員唔係太落力, 唔會叫人簽名 / d 人無去reception 就行左去, 唔係我覺得 係完全會 兩張簽滿囉....
    [Gen Mami回覆08/31/2010 23:40:00]全日我total有2張簽名布, 一本簽名簿,+ 一個簽名板,應該ok ?
