
新郎禮服 @ Mode

我的婚宴MC-Cuz Production 也有在農曆新年時的婚紗展攞booth, 
於是我們便可免費入場, 目摽是男裝禮服.男朋友不是常常穿西裝,所以不會考慮造, 

我們心目中想看”mode” “e wave”.由於免費入場的關係,沒有做資料搜集去,
原來只有一間男禮 "e wave"

可能由於我們是第一天去的關係,去到他們的booth, 仍未set up
職員仍在努力為公仔穿禮服, 亦有些人在門口等待, 職員告訴我們30 -45m ins 再回去
回去後便到入面試穿上衣, 男友身形尚算中等, 穿起後亦很fit, 他們可即場買coupon 
有 $200 or $300 可Hold 起會展價價錢,若日後改變主意,可以由到任何一間分店退回HK$200訂。原本我們都想買, 但後來都是打算看完mode 再決定.

到回家再找找兩間comments, 看到一位blog友說原來e wave 沒有整套禮服給人試!
要Confirm了 2nd Trial 才可一套Full Set 試。但不試整套怎看到效果??!! 
是就決定先到Mode試 fitting.

Mode 有兩間分店,t.s.t 及中環,我們住在九龍區,所以約了 到t.s.t. 店試,
 店長Allen 先解一下禮服的分類,解釋得非常詳細,


首先,男友試上日式燕尾, 一穿上已經覺得非常好! 
好fit!! 以前,覺得豬腸呔好娘,但這次就覺得幾好!!

這個look可以早上接新娘,晚上更換領呔, Allen 說主人家不應該穿黑色bow tie,

allen 給我們看一些細些的蝴碟tie,雖然allen說這些不是正統的tie, 

後面都是好fit! 條腰幼到呢...



所以我們都應不會穿白色! 然後再試英式燕尾,嘩...好Grand呀
!如果加頂帽就變魔術師 !!(忘記影相)

如果早上穿日式燕尾行禮, 那麼英式燕尾便晚上穿! 
但其實一套整日也可以 (男友都不算太貪靚).

所以我們先confirm 一套, 到時再看看是否會upgrade!

恤衫打算用回影pre wedding 的趙太恤衫! 而皮鞋就要再找找...

6 則留言:

  1. maggie14.3.10

    My bf also made the $200 deposit at E-wave ar.
    The one he likes is so expensive, $4500 to tailormade......
    But he still hasn't go the the shop to review again.
    So lazy.......
    How much is MODE?
    [Gen Mami回覆03/15/2010 00:19:00]i just saw other's said you can't try the full set when you make the 1st trail ! I think we can't see the effect ! so, we joined Mode finally! If you coupon can't refund ??
    Mode package A : $1380/set  package B: $2980/2 set
    Accessories (vest/neckwear/cummerbund and silk-corsage) $200/set  
    10% discount if you join 6 months b4 big day

  2. We also booked at Mode before. U can try Cour Caree / Gay Giano / Marks & Spenser. Mode prefers its customers to have "shinning shoes"...but u dont need to buy it so early...buy it when it have "final sales".
    [Gen Mami回覆03/15/2010 00:21:00]thanks for yr info!!!

  3. maggie15.3.10

    唔知mode tailormade 一套幾多錢呢?
    睇下bf 會唔會去睇下先!
    [Gen Mami回覆03/16/2010 00:04:00]i remembered about $6xxx ? u better phone to ask !

  4. Tansy20.3.10

    好fit好型wor~ 佢地真係貴得有道理~~
    [Gen Mami回覆03/20/2010 12:14:00]yes ar...and ur husband 's one made in mk? is that good?

  5. Joyce20.3.10

    Looks nice wor! my bf custom made himself a suit! it cost about $1xxx! and he wears it for pre-wedding shooting! he's a troublesum person, doesn't like the blinks, doesn't like the colour, doesn't like the ties....thousands of excuses! haha...so i'll just leave this mission to himself! no eye see!
    [Gen Mami回覆03/20/2010 12:13:00]$1xxx is not expensive wor...
    haha so picky then u can "save more gas" la..

  6. PPGirl30.6.10

    我bf 都join 0左 mode o. 同你選0既款一樣。 英式燕尾 + 日式燕尾。 我 bf 去0左 playlord 買鞋。你可以睇睇o.
    [Gen Mami回覆07/01/2010 00:52:00]我哋最後在百利訂做! thanks for your info!
