wa...so pretty! i think it's better to put one or two in the reception area too! where did u get it? "Less is More"!! [Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:41:00]from E&M, which you always missing to go.....
yea...true! hahaha...i always missed it! i was either working on that day or totally forgot about it or even didn't know the day was the opening day! [Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 22:07:00]okok, i will send you the reminder on next time if you want to have a look! otherwise, this will always the topic that we talk for ...haha
haha...yea...thanks for the reminder ar!! i must need to visit the place at least one time before my BD! see how good it is!! let's hope so!! [Gen Mami回覆07/05/2010 00:36:00]ayi...if you have time you can go if you need to find something for your decoration! but their product change each time~ see
Where is the shop address? Thank you so much! [Gen Mami回覆10/13/2010 16:14:00]http://emcollections.tripod.com/ 佢地係decoration company, 要開倉先可以上去!你打去問問何時再開, 同仲有冇呢個{樹}啦
靚呀呢個TABLE STAND不過又真係冇咩可能買咁多個黎放
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/03/2010 00:54:00]咪就係LAW...一係用完當gift 送比friends...
x'mas gift/ birthday gift/ CNY gift/ 15.08 gift/ easter gift.....
好靚呀(雙眼發哂光), 係我喜歡o既樹呀~係邊度買架?
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:32:00]係E&M開倉時買o架!仲有墨綠色/啡色!
好靚呀~~ 我都中意呀!!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:32:00]買啦~買啦
嘩, 好靚呀!!!! 只係放主家席 2 個囉~~~~ how much 一個先?~
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:33:00]哈...未諗呀,$38@
[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:33:00]$38 大元
好靚呀!! 我想買個放係屋企多d ~~ 哈哈 !! 幾銀 ?
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:35:00]買吖,我都放喺屋企 ! $38@
回覆刪除你買幾 $ 一個呀 ? 我o係深圳見過類似,大概三十幾蚊,好平,如果你想張張檯都有,去深圳搵丫,應該有的~~ (p.s. 我見果個係白色的,不過都有你圖呢款的黑色喔~)
[Gen Mami回覆07/03/2010 13:58:00]係??? $30/個 都唔貴, 但又要用幾佰元,都唔想使呢樣錢
而且朋友 or decoration 公司亦可幫我整其他成本低好多但又一樣靚的table stand, 所以再諗吓先!
你可以考慮買左佢放在迎賓 table ^^
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/03/2010 13:54:00]係喎...但唔知夠唔夠位放其他嘢呢?
thanks for your cmmts!
靚!!!!!!!!!!! 感覺仲好sweet 添 不過我好明,呢度又係錢,嗰度又係錢,真係倒水咁
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/03/2010 13:53:00]係囉.....真係10級茅盾
我唔知你呢個大唔大呢 ? 你係邊度見到架 ? 如放在迎實 table , 你就睇番同你個 主色 係咪 match ^^
回覆刪除你仲想放 d 咩呢 ?
[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:40:00]其實唔大的 不是我未諗好哂點擺,唔想太亂的感覺,同未決定theme , 到時唔知襯唔襯!
wa...so pretty! i think it's better to put one or two in the reception area too! where did u get it?
回覆刪除"Less is More"!!
[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:41:00]from E&M, which you always missing to go.....
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 00:41:00]Oh...thanks!!
$38 唔係好貴咋喎.... 真係鍾意既, 諗得過o丫....
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 12:06:00]$38一個唔貴,但買二十個就要八佰元,八佰蚊唔係多,但我朋友都可以幫手設計到,一樣靚靚,但又可以Save more!
真係好靚呀!! 不過我覺得唔好浪費太多錢係度喇!! TABLE STAND都唔係KEEP好耐, 開席就唔知去左邊喇! o的錢放係reception好o的啦!! 影snap都會靚o的!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 13:27:00]係啦...呢度幾舊果度幾舊,都係錢!reception仲諗緊!
個table stand 好靚,不過如果每張枱都放,又要買好多個...唔抵呀!!靚一靚就幾百蚊...
回覆刪除個stand真係好靚, 但係要買咁多個, 真係太肉痛!!!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 22:08:00]係啦! 真係好肉痛!
yea...true! hahaha...i always missed it! i was either working on that day or totally forgot about it or even didn't know the day was the opening day!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/04/2010 22:07:00]okok, i will send you the reminder on next time if you want to have a look! otherwise, this will always the topic that we talk for ...haha
haha...yea...thanks for the reminder ar!! i must need to visit the place at least one time before my BD! see how good it is!! let's hope so!!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/05/2010 00:36:00]ayi...if you have time you can go if you need to find something for your decoration! but their product change each time~ see
好靚喎.......就算有時間.... 想自己整都整唔到呀.... 一定 cut 到眼都盲
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/06/2010 01:26:00]cut 唔到!係鐵牌嚟!
pretty stand
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/08/2010 23:41:00]thanks! 我也有買沙糖免結婚公仔! 你們精品也很靚!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/14/2010 23:00:00]冇呀....都可以睇睇喎..thanks
請問$38 在甚麼地方購買?
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆07/18/2010 23:09:00]在E&M佈置裝飾公司賣的,你也有興趣嗎?
May i know where is the shop? Thanks a lot!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆10/13/2010 13:21:00]係E&M開倉時買o架!
Where is the shop address? Thank you so much!
回覆刪除[Gen Mami回覆10/13/2010 16:14:00]http://emcollections.tripod.com/
佢地係decoration company, 要開倉先可以上去!你打去問問何時再開, 同仲有冇呢個{樹}啦